B2B White Label Solution

We assist B2B travel business, which is an online booking engine with flights, hotels, car, bus, packages, hotel extranet. B2B travel portal engine can integrate to different APIs for flights, hotels, cars, buses, packages for real time inventory.Our travel portal consists of GDS/third party API integration for b2c flight booking portal, hotel booking and car booking services. We offer all kind of travel portal solutions for B2B travel agency across all over the world.Trawex offers international recognized B2B travel technology platform. We connect customers and travel agencies to more ground-based travel solutions across the world. Travel Mart Solution is a large consolidator for the major airlines, hotel, car, and cruise and other travel services in the industry. Travel Mart Solution-B2B enhances the capability of Tour Operators, Consolidators as well as Travel Agents to transfer their travel products efficiently to other business partners or sub agents through an online B2B website portal. It generates great potentials for companies going global; so no matter the business partners are within their province or outside, the system works always and creates other partners to make bookings from anywhere, anytime. We provides excellent online booking platform for all modern travel agent and tour operator companies, flexible and back end management software that supports all the actions of a travel business process.

Features of B2B Portal

  • Maximize staff’s productivity
  • Trustworthy Security
  • Support for multi-location environment
  • Reservation history
  • Easy and flexible options for activating or deactivating users, agents and suppliers
  • Dashboard for Admin user and Sub Agent Admin
  • Flexible commission and mark-up settings against suppliers
  • Negotiated fare booking Engines and Dynamic Packaging implementation
  • Effort of putting the trip together manually